70 years ago: Orson Welles’ patriotism, military service made headlines

May 6, 1943: Orson Welles leaves his U.S. Army physical after being rejected for military service and given a 4-F draft status. (Los Angeles Times photo)
May 6, 1943: Orson Welles leaves his U.S. Army physical after being rejected for military service and given a 4-F draft status. (Los Angeles Times photo)


Throughout World War II, Orson Welles unreservedly supported U.S. involvement overseas, both on the airwaves and printed page. His work with the Mercury Wonder Show in entertaining servicemen is also well-documented.

What has been forgotten with the passage of time is the intense heat Welles took for not serving in the military. His foes at the Hearst newspapers and critics at the American Legion openly questioned Welles’ patriotism over a two-year period.

The pressure placed on Welles and how it impacted his cinematic work – notably his decision to shoot the ill-fated “It’s All True” – is well-documented in Joseph McBride’s book “Whatever Happened to Orson Welles?”

Pressure began in 1941 with Hearst columnist Louella Parsons making calls to the local draft board demanding to know why Welles had not been called into service. Similarly, the American Legion publicly questioned Welles’ military status in light of his left wing political views. (The former was angered by “Citizen Kane” and the latter by the radio production of “His Honor the Mayor.”)

Welles initially received 1-B status, meaning he was unfit for active duty but available for limited duty. That status was altered to 1-A (available for unrestricted military service) in February 1943.

Welles was targeted for enjoying the Hollywood life, while other men his age were fighting the Axis powers on the battlefields of Europe or the Pacific.

The question of Welles’ ability to serve was put to rest in the spring of 1943 when he was classified as 4-F following an Army physical. Later, it was revealed that myoditis (skeletal muscle inflammation), bronchial asthma, arthritis and inverted flat feet were among the medical reasons cited for his 4-F classification.

So intense was the spotlight on Welles that the press turned out in force to cover his physical on May 6, 1943. Here is how it was reported at the time in the Los Angeles Times:

Orson Welles, even in his bare pelt as he was yesterday for an uncomfortable hour, is a mercurial young man.

He’s also 4-F in the draft because, at the end of his period of nakedness in the presence of Army sawbones at the induction station in the Pacific Electric Building, he was rejected for military service.

Although enjoying draft deferment until November, under an extension recently granted him, the 28-year-old actor, producer, director, writer and whatnot of the entertainment world yesterday submitted himself to examination to settle the point whether he will wear the country’s uniform or not.

Neither Welles nor the Army functionaries would discuss the nature of his disability.

Welles’ blood pressure went up sharply as he observed newspaper reporters and photographers waiting to see him after his examination.

“What the hell are you fellows doing here?” Welles bellowed. When asked the reason for his heat, Welles explained, “You’re lousing me up with these doctors, that’s what!”

Welles demanded in forceful language the identity of a Times reporter, but immediately apologized for his attitude.

While dressing after his medial examination, Welles threatened to heave another reporter out the window. The reporter took the challenge.

But by the time Welles had finished dressing his belligerency had deserted him. He willingly posed for pictures.

Welles was not the only celebrity to be classified 4-F during the war years. Frank Sinatra, Mickey Rooney and Errol Flynn were also classified 4-F. Others, like Bing Crosby and Don Ameche, were excused because they had dependents.

It should be noted that not all publications or prominent columnists were hostile to stars who did not serve during World War II.

Newspaper columnist Ed Sullivan wrote “Bob Hope, Hero Without a Uniform” for Photoplay in December 1943.

Walter Winchell penned a piece for Photoplay in May 1942 entitled “Keep ’em Rolling Hollywood.” Winchell, a lieutenant commander in the Naval Reserve, maintained it was important to turn out movies to boost morale.

A similar argument was used by Nelson Rockefeller, a major RKO Radio Pictures shareholder and coordinator of Inter-American Affairs, to persuade Welles to travel to Brazil and film “It’s All True” as part of the Good Neighbor Policy.

With his 4-F status in hand, the draft became less of an issue for Welles. However, his liberal politics would cause a chill during the Cold War years and McCarthy Era.


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